"p1xar"s Formal Self Introductory Letter

Dear Professor Brad,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Gerald, and I am a first-year student in Mechanical Engineering. I am thrilled to be part of your S20 tutorial group for the Critical Thinking and Communication Module.

Allow me to provide some context: I previously studied Aviation Management at Temasek Polytechnic. While my background lacks engineering experience, my decision to join this course stems from a desire to merge hardware technical knowledge with an aviation perspective. My ultimate goal is to become an aviator who possesses both analytical and engineering skills.

During my military service, I developed a valuable skill—the ability to extract clarity from complex information. We emphasized understanding the mission, stakeholders’ capabilities, and limitations. This mindset has shaped me into someone who always considers the broader context (akin to understanding the Field of View) before communicating.

However, I recognize that my military experience may sometimes lead to overanalysis and biases. To address this, I have set two personal goals for this module:

1. Processing Information from the Speaker’s Point of View: Rather than interpreting information solely from my own perspective, I aim to understand it as intended by the speaker.

2. Achieving Bias-Free Communication: I aspire to communicate objectively, devoid of any preconceived notions or stereotypes.

I firmly believe that effective communication hinges on empathy, clarity, and openness. By actively working on these goals, I hope to enhance my abilities as a communicator.

Thank you for taking the time to read this self-introduction. I eagerly anticipate our face-to-face interactions in class.

Best regards,



  1. Dear Gerald, It was an insightful read, I particularly enjoyed your articulation style and vocabulary. I hope you achieve your goals of thinking from the other party point-of-view and having a bias-free communication! Thank you for writing this introductory letter, and lets refine our communication skills together!

  2. Hi Gerald, your introduction is clear and concise. Despite your lack of engineering background, I believe it is never too late to start pursuing your ambition as long as you work hard. I also like how your goals for the module is to tackle your weakness. I'm glad to know more about you. Lets do our best in learning together!

  3. Hi Gerald, you've done a fantastic job with your letter. I can feel your energy through your written words and I like your insights of the keys to effective communication. Great job!

  4. Dear Gerald,

    Thanks very much for this concise and yet fairly clear and informative letter. You provide a explanation in all areas of the assignment, elaborating in a way that, while brief, captures your reader's interest.

    I appreciate that you describe your interest in engineering being connected to your "desire to merge hardware technical knowledge with an aviation perspective." I still wonder, however, what the initial genesis of that perspective might have been.

    I also enjoyed reading about your military service, but I feel that you could have provided more detail and context about that experience: what was your actual job? How did it require an "understanding the mission, stakeholders’ capabilities, and limitations"?

    If there is anything to work on in a 2nd draft, it might be filling in the context gaps in such a manner that we readers truly connect the dots between who you have become and what you did in the past.

    Again, I truly appreciate the effort put into this introduction, and I look forward to reading more from you this term.




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